5 worst number one overall picks in NFL Draft history ft. JaMarcus Russell

Publish date: 2024-03-20

The number one pick in the NFL Draft has produced some of the best players the league has ever seen, but that isn't always the case.

Not every player selected first can be as successful as Peyton Manning or John Elway, who go on to have Hall of Fame careers and leave a huge legacy in the league.

The number one pick can turn out to be terrible for all sorts of reasons, such as injuries, poor work ethic, or they simply aren't good enough to play in the NFL.

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Here are the 5 worst number one overall picks in NFL Draft history:

#5 - Tim Couch

Was Tim Couch an NFL Draft bust?

The Cleveland Browns drafted quarterback Tim Couch with the first overall pick back in 1999, hoping he'd become their franchise quarterback for a decade or more.

However, injuries plagued Couch his entire career and he never lived up to the lofty expectations.

His career in the NFL lasted just five seasons, and despite leading the Browns to the playoffs in 2002, his tenure is viewed as a disappointment. Couch threw more interceptions than touchdowns and passed for just 11,131 yards in five years.

#4 - Ki-Jana Carter

Ki-Jana Carter with the Bengals

Another victim of injuries, Ki-Jana Carter's career didn't quite go to plan. The Cincinnati Bengals took the Penn State running back first overall back in 1995 after trading up to number one.

Unfortunately, Carter tore a ligament in his knee during preseason which ruled him out of his entire rookie year. He never truly recovered, lacking the burst of speed he'd shown in college.

Carter rushed for just 1,144 yards throughout his entire career and went down as one of the biggest "what-ifs" ever.

#3 - Steve Emtman

Steve Emtman with the Colts

The Indianapolis Colts took defensive end Steve Emtman with the number one overall pick back in 1992, but his career was also marred by injuries.

Emtman played the majority of his career on Astroturf, which unfortunately meant he ended all three seasons with the Colts on injured reserve.

He only clocked up five sacks with Indianapolis, and only three more throughout the rest of his career.

#2 - David Carr

David Carr with the Houston Texans

The first player taken by the expansion Houston Texans back in 2002, David Carr was always going to find it tough. However, he probably didn't envisage it going so badly.

Carr was sacked an NFL record 76 times in his rookie year, as well as leading the league in the same category twice more during his career.

Carr threw for more picks than touchdowns during his career and never had a winning record in any of his seasons as a starting QB.

#1 - JaMarcus Russell

JaMarcus Russell at the NFL Players Rookie Premiere

Undoubtedly the worst first overall pick in NFL Draft history is JaMarcus Russell. The Oakland Raiders took Russell with the top pick back in 2007, and things were doomed from the start.

Russell held out during training camp his rookie year, only to land the biggest rookie deal in league history at the time. He struggled mightily on the field though, passing for just 18 touchdowns versus 23 interceptions during his three-year career.

He became known for showing up late and overweight to practice, as well as the infamous story of lying about watching blank tapes.

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