Can I Use My Vertical Id When I Turn 21 Illinois

Publish date: 2024-05-04
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The Great Vertical ID Caper: Can That Tiny Plastic Rectangle Actually Buy You a Drink in Illinois?

Ah, the vertical ID. The bane of every under-21 Illinoisan's existence. A beacon that screams, "Hey world, I can't even buy a sip of kombucha yet!" But what happens when you finally break free from the land of juice boxes and reach the holy grail of age 21? Does your vertical ID magically transform into a booze-wielding superpower, or are you stuck waiting for a horizontal upgrade?

Technically Speaking: Your Vertical ID is Still Valid...But

Here's the thing: Illinois law doesn't explicitly say "vertical IDs are useless after 21." As long as your ID is valid, has your photo, and clearly shows your birthdate proving you're over 21, you're good to least according to the fine print.

The Reality Check: Buckle Up, It's a Coin Toss

Now, let's face it, bouncers and bartenders aren't lawyers. That vertical design screams "underage" louder than a toddler at a library. While some places might be cool with it, especially if you look older than Methuselah himself, others might raise an eyebrow and politely (or not-so-politely) ask you to take a seat on the non-alcoholic side.

So, What's a Newly-Minted 21-Year-Old to Do?

Remember: It's always better to be safe than sorry. Don't let your vertical ID turn your 21st birthday into a night of frustration.

FAQs: Conquering the Vertical ID

So there you have it, folks! The vertical ID saga, hopefully, with a happy ending (and a delicious celebratory drink in hand). Now go forth and conquer that 21st birthday, with or without a plastic upgrade!

