Lynne Spears "Struggling" for Money Amidst Alleged New Feud with Britney?

Publish date: 2024-01-25

Earlier this year, Britney Spears and mom Lynne Spears met up in person. It had been a while.

Amidst their mother-daughter reconciliation, some of Britney’s stans softened (somewhat) when it came to criticizing her mom.

Britney’s mom failed her when she needed her. But things are better now, right?

According to a startling new report, they’ve had another falling out. And Lynne is working a very normal job amidst alleged financial struggles.

According to a report by The Daily Mail this week, Lynne Spears is “struggling to pay her bills.”

Allegedly, the 68-year-old has taken on a part-time job as a substitute teacher.

“She has already substituted for several classes at [a local school],” the insider reported.

Interestingly, the source went on to claim that Lynne’s financial troubles in some way relate to her “complicated relationship” with Britney.

The insider insists that this “seriously impacted” her finances.

We have to emphasize that all of this stems from one inside source. No other tabloids (as of Tuesday afternoon) seem to have been able to confirm any of this report.

There are some potential holes in this story.

When last anyone checked, Lynne worked as a Rodan and Fields independent consultant.

While that wouldn’t make her rich, online source that place that as a (mostly) middle class career, though some income estimates are on the low end.

Additionally, didn’t Lynne have a blog called The Mustard Seeds with a group of other friends?

To be clear, that seems to be something that they do for fun, reviewing local shops and restaurants.

It doesn’t have a large following. And therefore, it’s likely not very lucrative.

That said … maybe Lynne does need some cash.

Remember, about a year and a half ago, Lynne asked Britney for money — to pay out the massive legal fees that she accrued.

On the one hand, Lynne did help Britney … sort of … right there during the final years of that awful conservatorship. On the other hand … it feels kind of weird to (softly) bill your own daughter for advocating for her. (For the record, Lynne withdrew the filing later that year)

Considering how little evidence there is of this, we have to wonder where this report is coming from.

Lynne might not have been paying herself hefty sums like Jamie was while running the conservatorship. Because that was never her thing.

But most fans have sort of assumed that she’s doing just fine, financially.

We cannot verify or debunk the report. What we can do is … guess.

Perhaps Lynne is substitute teaching. That doesn’t necessarily mean that she’s in dire financial circumstances.

Sometimes, people who are doing just fine — with money and with their celebrity mega-star daughter — take on a job. Especially one that might help their local community.
